Yes, There Are Marketing Benefits to the Self-Quarantine
It can really be tempting to believe that because the world is temporarily upside down with fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, any hope is lost in terms of developing new business, launching your new product, juicing your brand, and generally keeping eyes focused on your company or organization. And while there may be truth in your customers’ attention being drawn elsewhere, and for some really important reasons, that doesn’t have to mean your mission and goals as a marketer should also be on the same kind of hold. In fact, this may be the best time you’ve ever had to get ahead of the curve.
This time of year, it’s typical for brands of any size to be actively producing the engaging digital content that will drive business through the end of the fiscal year and beyond: content like videos, podcasts, customer testimonials, social media posts, the works. The bad news is how COVID-19 has squashed many of those plans. But believe it or not, there is good news. Although your audience may be on indefinite hiatus, the talented people who conceive and produce the content you need to attract that audience are, for the most part, not. They’re champing at the bit to keep moving forward. Creative vision doesn’t take a holiday, not even for global pandemics.
Of course, while this may not be the optimal time to drag out all of the cameras and lights to shoot your latest ad, creative firms like Kaboonki can still prime the pump for you, drafting new and exciting creative concepts, writing the revolutionary scripts you’ll soon need, storyboarding your groundbreaking vision, and prepping your killer podcast season. It may officially be Spring, but right now it’s time to gather like Winter is here, storing up more than enough of what you’ll need to get by so that when the first blooms of hope return, and they will, you’ll be ready and way ahead of your competitors’ marketing game.
Creatives, marketers, and executives, now is not the time to lose hope. Now is the time to build it, one unique project at a time.
We’re with you. Stay safe. Let’s make it happen together.